The World Tree Termites are characters who appear in the animated series, Legend of the Three Caballeros. They are red termites that live in the World Tree serving as the Tree's pests which the Roman gods, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars, face them as the problems living there.
In their normal forms, the World Tree Termites are tiny red termites with normal eyes and tiny white mandibles. As Jupiter, Venus, and Mars are unaware of Felldrake who has planned for world domination, they serve as the only problems the three face in the World Tree. However, when Baron Von Sheldgoose and his ancestor Felldrake arrive at the World Tree, Sheldgoose uses his staff against the Termites, which mutate them into menacing, monstrous forms.
In their mutated forms, the Termites are large-sized and have spikes all over them with each of them having four purple menacing eyes, large white mandibles, and sharp teeth to make them look menacing and monstrous. However, when Xandra, the Roman Gods, and the Caballeros fight against the mutated Termites, they are reverted back to their normal forms, reducing the threat level at the World Tree, followed by the heroes fighting against Sheldgoose and Felldrake who are the ones causing havoc to the World Tree as the heroes are able to defeat the two.
Role in the series[]
In "World Tree Caballeros", one Termite spies on José, Panchito, Donald, and Xandra who are talking with the Roman gods, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars during a feast. The Termite stealthily sneaks past them without getting noticed and bites on Donald's foot to which Donald starts chasing him across the Tree, following by José and Panchito chasing him across the World Tree where they find glowing fruits all around them only to find Sheldgoose and Felldrake lurking in the Tree. As the three plan to stop the two, Sheldgoose uses his staff against the Termites to help Sheldgoose fulfill his plans to defeat the Caballeros to which the Termites suddenly transform into mutated versions of themselves, sending them to attack the Caballeros. The mutated Termites chase the Caballeros across the World Tree as they continue chasing them during the ambush just as José and Panchito are discussing with each other that only Xandra would help save them from the Termites.
Later when Xandra is discussing with the gods about what happened to them to which Jupiter explains that they have been gardening for years while Xandra is still trapped in the golden atlas to which while explaining to the three about being obsessed with harvesting, Jupiter notices the mutated Termites charging down the tree which reminds Mars of the Titan War all over again as the three hide under tables from the Termites.
Meanwhile, the Caballeros are discussing a plan to get defeat the mutated Termites to which Donald dresses himself as a tree to distract them while Sheldgoose grabs the World Fruit where he absorbs the power for Felldrake as part of his plans, leaving Xandra in worry and planning to fight against the evil warlock. Later, Donald (wearing a tree costume while being used by José and Panchito) is at the mercy of being devoured by the mutated Termites to which Xandra fires an arrow at a few Termites (turning some of them back to their normal forms) to which Xandra explains that she brought in the Roman gods to rescue them from the mutated Termites to which the Roman gods and Xandra fend off the mutated Termites together just as the Caballeros also help knock the Termites off the World Tree, reverting all the Termites back to their normal forms. Having taken care of the Termites, Xandra, the Roman gods, and the Caballeros manage to defeat Sheldgoose and Felldrake to continue protecting the World Tree.
In "Sheldgoose Square Dance", the Termites (in their mutated forms) are later summoned again during the final battle where they are summoned by Sheldgoose to attack the Caballeros and Xandra on their way to the Summoning Chamber where they attack the four to which Xandra manages to counter the attack by summoning Larry the Minotaur from the Labyrinth. Larry, being offended by Sheldgoose inadvertently calling him a "hunky slab of beef", charges across the hallway to barge through the Termites to help the Caballeros and Xandra get to the Summoning Chamber. As Felldrake continues a plan for a new age of darkness, the Termites are sent back to the World Tree via zoom point as it is shown that the reinforcements summoned during the final battle are sent back to their respective homes. Even after the final battle has ended, it is likely that the Termites have been sent back to the World Tree where they have reverted back from their mutated forms to their normal forms once again.
- The Termites (in their mutated forms) are prominently featured in the series' intro.