You're The Queen of Hearts Baby is the second song that is performed in The 7D episode, "Bathtub Bashful" sung by Bashful. With more courage to step out from behind the shower curtains, he sings it clearly in front of Queen Delightful and the rest of the audience.
Bashful: You’re the queen of hearts baby
The 7D: You’re the queen of hearts baby
Bashful: And I need some spades
The 7D: He needs some spades
Bashful: I’m gonna dig you up a diamond
The kind that never fades
We make a perfect pair
Just singing our serenade
You’re the queen of hearts baby
The 7D: You’re the queen of hearts baby
Bashful: Let me join you club
The 7D: Let him join your club
Bashful: If you need a knight baby
I’m the one to dub
Tell me that I never have to sing
Outside of this tub