"Youngins & Dragons" is the second segment of the sixth episode of Zombies: The Re-Animated Series. It first premiered on June 29, 2024 alongside "Training Dae" on Disney+ before making its Disney Channel premiere on July 13, 2024.
Zed and his little sister Zoey must team up to fight a monster hunter.
- Milo Manheim as Zed Necrodopolis
- Kylee Russell as Eliza Zambi
- Carla Jeffery as Bree
- Pearce Joza as Wyatt Lykensen
- Kingston Foster as Zoey Necrodopolis
- Erika Ishii as Harley
- The title is a reference to the popular tabletop role playing game "Dungeons & Dragons".
- When Zed tells Zoey they are not in a TV show, the characters break the fourth wall by looking towards the audience.
- Bonzo and Zevon Necrodopolis are mentioned in this episode.
International premieres[]
- August 7, 2024 (United Kingdom and Ireland; Disney+)
External links[]
- Youngins & Dragons on the Zombies Wiki