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"Zero to Hero" is a song featured in the film, Disney's Hercules. It is sung by Lillias White, LaChanze, Roz Ryan, Cheryl Freeman, and Vanéese Y. Thomas.

The song was later used as the theme song in Hercules: The Series, albeit shorter and with altered lyrics towards the end. The original intro of Hercules: The Series was only shown on ABC [1] and was altered for subsequent reruns[2] such as on Disney Channel and its sister channel Toon Disney, home media releases, and for streaming on Disney+.[3]

This song was included in the videos Disney Sing Along Songs: Honor to Us All, Disney Sing Along Songs: Collection of All-Time Favorites: The Modern Classics, and Disney Sing Along Songs: From Hercules.



After the Thebans cheered for Hercules' victory over the Hydra, "Zero to Hero" begins with the Muses, with Calliope saying the young hero could do no wrong afterwards and that "He was so hot, steam looked cool." The Muses narrate a montage depicting Hercules' success. Hercules becomes a celebrity and heart-throb: girls scream at him, his image appears on vases, action figures, sandals and other merchandise. The young hero is showered with money and leaves hand-prints in the star promenade (along with Pegasus leaving the imprints of his hooves) and continues enjoying himself as Hades sends a succession of creatures which Hercules easily defeats.

Hercules: The Animated Series[]

Every episode of the series used "Zero to Hero" as the theme song, albeit shorter and with altered lyrics towards the end meant to describe the setting of the series. The original intro was only shown on ABC and was altered for reruns and home releases. "Zero to Hero" focuses on young Hercules' adolescent hero-in-training years and adventures, while also attending the Prometheus Academy.

Kingdom Hearts coded[]

"Zero to Hero" is a name of an ability available to Hercules. It deals damage to entire rows of enemies.


Bless my soul
Herc was on a roll
Person of the week in every Greek opinion poll
What a pro
Herc could stop a show
Point him at a monster and you're talking S.R.O.
He was a no one
A zero, zero
Now he's a honcho
He's a hero
Herc was a kid with his act down pat
Zero to hero ― in no time flat
Zero to hero ― just like that

When he smiled
The girls went wild with oohs and aahs
And they slapped his face
On every vase (on every "vahse")

From appearance fees and royalties
Our Herc had cash to burn
Now nouveau riche and famous
He could tell you what the Grecians urn

Say amen
There he goes again
Sweet and undefeated
And an awesome 10 for 10
Folks lined up
Just to watch him flex
And this perfect package packed a pair of pretty pecs

Hercie, he comes, he sees, he conquers
Honey, the crowds were going bonkers
He showed the moxie, brains, and spunk
From zero to hero ― a major hunk
Zero to hero ― and who'd have thunk?

Who put the glad in gladiator?
Whose daring deeds are great theater?
Is he bold?
No one braver
Is he sweet?
Our favorite flavor


Bless my soul
Herc was on a roll
Riding high
And the nicest guy
Not conceited

He was a nothin'
A zero, zero
Now he's a honcho
He's a hero

He hit the heights at breakneck speed
From zero to hero
Herc is a hero
Now he's a hero
Yes indeed!

Bless my soul
Herc was on a roll
Person of the week in every Greek opinion poll
What a pro
Herc could stop a show
Point him at a monster and you're talking S.R.O.
He was a no one
A zero, zero
Now he's a honcho
He's a hero
Here was a kid with his act down pat
From zero to hero ― in no time flat
Zero to hero ― just like that

When he smiled
The girls went wild with oohs and aahs
And they slapped his face
On every vase (on every "vahse")

From appearance fees and royalties
Our Herc had cash to burn
Now nouveau riche and famous
He could tell you what the Grecians urn

(instrumental verse)

A zero, zero
(instrumental verse)
He's a hero
(instrumental verse)
Zero to hero ― just like that

Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Oohs and aahs

Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Every "vahse"

From appearance fees and royalties
Our Herc had cash to burn
Now nouveau riche and famous
He could tell you what the Grecians urn

Say amen
There he goes again
Sweet and undefeated
And an awesome 10 for 10
Folks lined up
Just to watch him flex
And this perfect package packed a pair of pretty pecs

Hercie, he comes he sees, he conquers
Honey, the crowds were going bonkers
He showed the moxie brains, and spunk

From zero to hero
A major hunk
Zero to hero
And who'd have thunk?

Zero to hero
Zero to hero
He showed the moxie brains, and spunk
From zero to hero...
A major hunk!

Who put the glad in gladiator?
Whose daring deeds are great theater?
Is he bold?
No one braver
Is he sweet?
Our favorite flavor

Hercules (repeat 17 more times)

Bless my soul
Herc was on a roll
Riding high
And the nicest guy
Not conceited

He was a nothin'
A zero, zero
Now he's a honcho
He's a hero

He hit the heights at breakneck speed
From zero to hero
Herc is a hero
Now he's a hero
Yes indeed!

Who put the glad in gladiator?
Whose daring deeds are great theater?
Is he bold?
No one braver
Is he sweet?
Our favorite flavor

No one's fool!
Now the boy's in school!
He's in training!
Smart and shy
And the nicest guy
No complaining
He was a no one
A zero, zero
Give him a quick chance
He's our hero
He's almost likely to succeed

From zero to hero
Herc is a hero
He'll be a hero!
Wait and see

Hercules, Hercules

Bless my soul
Herc was on a roll
Person of the week in every Greek opinion poll
What a pro
Herc could stop a show
Point him at a monster and you're talking S.R.O.

He was a no one
A zero, zero
Now he's a honcho
He's a hero
Here was a kid with his act down pat

Zero to hero
In no time flat
Zero to hero
Just like that

When he smiled
The girls went wild with "ooh"s and "aah"s
And they slapped his face on every vase
(On every "vase")

From appearance fees and royalties
Our Herc had cash to burn
Now nouveau riche and famous
He could tell you what the Grecians earn

Say amen
There he goes again
Sweet and undefeated
And an awesome 10 for 10
Folks lined up
Just to watch him flex
And this perfect package packed a pair of pretty pecs

Hercie, he comes he sees, he conquers
Honey, the crowds were going bonkers
He showed the moxie brains, and spunk

From zero to hero
A major hunk
Zero to hero
And who'd have thunk?

Who put the "glad" in "gladiator"?
Whose daring deeds are great theater?
Is he bold?
No one braver
Is he sweet?
My favorite flavor


Bless my soul
Herc was on a roll
Riding high
And the nicest guy
Not conceited

He was a nothin'
A zero, zero
Now he's a honcho
He's our hero
He hit the heights at breakneck speed

From zero to hero
Herc is a hero
Now he's a hero
Yes, indeed



  • In the demo version, other monsters were seen.
  • This song is about becoming a somebody (an important person) from being a nobody (an unimportant person). In this film's case, Hercules eventually went from being a nobody/zero to a somebody/hero.
  • The Muses change into different colors for their skin and dresses throughout the song.
  • When the song was included on Disney Sing Along Songs: Honor to Us All, Disney Sing Along Songs: Collection of All-Time Favorites: The Modern Classics, and Disney Sing Along Songs: From Hercules, the scene where Hades has a villainous breakdown over Hercules defeating the Hydra (burning Pain and Panic in the process) and Megara secretly applauding Hercules was cut. This was due to him having a cigar in the aforementioned scene and done to avoid drug influences. It instead shifts to the distant view of the crowd cheering Hercules before the Muses perform the musical number.
    • Also in the Disney Sing-Along Songs version, the line "what's a Grecian urn" is lyricized as "what the Grecians earn".
  • The Hercules store that appears in this song is a parody of the Disney Store in malls.
  • Marilyn Monroe was said to have made a cameo during the song's movie sequence as a constellation.


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Hercules logo
Films: Hercules (video/soundtrack) • Hercules: Zero to HeroHercules (live-action film)

Shows: TV seriesHouse of MouseChibi Tiny Tales
Video games: Hercules Action GameAnimated Storybook: HerculesHades ChallengeKingdom HeartsKingdom Hearts: Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts IIKingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysKingdom Hearts Birth by SleepKingdom Hearts coded Kingdom Hearts χ Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ/Union χKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle ModeDisney Sorcerer's ArenaDisney Speedstorm

Disney Parks
Disney Animation BuildingIt's a Small WorldSorcerers of the Magic KingdomHercules in the Underworld

Entertainment: Animazment: The MusicalDisney Dreams: An Enchanted ClassicDisney's WishesFantasmic!Hercules: The Muse-icalMickey's Gift of DreamsOnce Upon a MouseVillains Tonight!
Parades: Disney Stars and Motor Cars ParadeHercules Victory ParadeThe Hercules Electrical ParadeThe Wonderful World of Disney Parade
Fireworks: Happily Ever AfterHarmoniousIlluminate! A Nighttime CelebrationMomentousReach for the StarsWishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney DreamsWonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
Summer: Stitch and Friends Summer Surprise
Halloween: Disney's Not So Spooky SpectacularDisney Villains Wicked GatheringFrightfully Fun ParadeHocus Pocus Villain SpelltacularHouse of De Vil-lainsMaze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment ContinuesMickey's Boo-to-You Halloween ParadeRe-Villains! Halloween ParadeRock on With The Disney VillainsScream and Shout Halloween ParadeThe Villains WorldTreat TrailsVillains Night Out!World of Color: Villainous!
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy Parade

Original: HerculesHadesPegasusPhiloctetesMegaraPain and PanicFatesMusesZeusHeraHermesHephaestusAthenaAresPoseidonAphroditeArtemisApolloOlympian GodsThebansDionysusTitansCerberusHydraMinotaurSthenoNemean LionNessusNymphsAmphitryon and AlcmeneHarpiesCetusCaledonian BoarCharonBob the NarratorGriffinsCupidDemeter

TV Series: ChipaclesHestiaIcarusCassandraAdonisHelen of TroyTempestCirceTritonGalateaPandoraMedusaEchidnaTyphonEchidna's ChildrenFuriesHecateCanis and LupusNemesisMr. ParenthesesHomerFear and TerrorIbidAntaeusPrometheusDaedelusMorpheusKronosGaiaAmphitriteAchillesTheseusOrionNestor & MeleagerKing MidasMelampusLavinaAndromedaSyrinxMr. GriffChironTiviusOrthosQueen HippolyteMomalusArachneCaucasian EagleSphinx MartindaleGegeneisOtus

Season One: "Hercules and the Apollo Mission" • "Hercules and the King of Thessaly" • "Hercules and the Secret Weapon" • "Hercules and the Assassin" • "Hercules and the Big Kiss" • "Hercules and the River Styx" • "Hercules and the Techno Greeks" • "Hercules and the World's First Doctor" • "Hercules and the Pool Party" • "Hercules and the Prince of Thrace" • "Hercules and the Tapestry of Fate" • "Hercules and the Living Legend" • "Hercules and the Return of Typhon" • "Hercules and the Owl of Athena" • "Hercules and the Girdle of Hippolyte" • "Hercules and the Bacchanal" • "Hercules and the Underworld Takeover" • "Hercules and the Comedy of Arrows" • "Hercules and the Hostage Crisis" • "Hercules and the Disappearing Heroes" • "Hercules and the Argonauts" • "Hercules and the Drama Festival" • "Hercules and the Phil Factor" • "Hercules and the All Nighter" • "Hercules and the Song of Circe" • "Hercules and the Trojan War" • "Hercules and the Dream Date" • "Hercules and the Big Games" • "Hercules and the Jilt Trip" • "Hercules and the Falling Stars" • "Hercules and the Golden Touch" • "Hercules and the Minotaur" • "Hercules and the Son of Poseidon" • "Hercules and the Twilight of the Gods" • "Hercules and the Griffin" • "Hercules and the King For a Day" • "Hercules and the Pegasus Incident" • "Hercules and the Big Sink" • "Hercules and the Big Lie" • "Hercules and the Prom" • "Hercules and the Spartan Experience" • "Hercules and the Complex Electra" • "Hercules and the Long Nightmare" • "Hercules and the Arabian Night" • "Hercules and the Aetolian Amphora" • "Hercules and the Romans" • "Hercules and the Yearbook" • "Hercules and the Odyssey Experience" • "Hercules and the Grim Avenger" • "Hercules and the Spring of Canathus" • "Hercules and the Big Show" • "Hercules and the Tiff on Olympus"

Season Two: "Hercules and the First Day of School"" • "Hercules and the Visit from Zeus" • "Hercules and the Driving Test" • "Hercules and the Parent's Weekend" • "Hercules and the Prometheus Affair" • "Hercules and the Hero of Athens" • "Hercules and the Caledonian Boar" • "Hercules and the Epic Adventure" • "Hercules and the Poseidon's Cup Adventure" • "Hercules and the Muse of Dance" • "Hercules and the Kids" • "Hercules and the Gorgon" • "Hercules and the Green-Eyed Monster"

Original: The Gospel TruthGo the DistanceOne Last HopeZero to HeroI Won't Say (I'm in Love)A Star is BornShooting StarI Can't Believe My Heart

TV series songs: Send My Boy to SchoolMy TownPericles of AthensPromethean DittyThe AgoraThe BacchanalThe Man That I LovePucker Up or Let Him SnoozeThat's How the Story GoesAphrodesia DanceLove Is In The AirSince the Light Went AwayAin't Life a BeachCan-Do KingKronos StoneWhat's a Mother to Do?Sreamin' Grecian Teenage BluesLethe Water on the Brain!One Good ManYou're My Hero
Musical songs: The ProphecyUniquely Greek Town SquareDespina's LullabyPhil's Soul SpotForget About ItCool Day in HellThe ProphecyA Muse BoucheI'm Back!Great Bolts of ThunderTo Be Human

Ancient GreeceMount OlympusUnderworldPhil's IslandThebesPrometheus AcademyAtlantis City
Skull PacifierArmageddon BowLightning BoltsMortal PotionTrident
Disney Sing Along Songs: From HerculesMusical

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Disney Speedstorm logo
Disney Speedstorm
Mickey Mouse & Friends: Mickey MouseDonald DuckGoofyMinnie MouseDaisy DuckSteamboat Pete

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit: OswaldOrtensia
The Jungle Book: MowgliBaloo
Journey Into Imagination: Figment
The Little Mermaid: ArielEricKing TritonUrsula
Beauty and the Beast: BelleBeastGaston
Aladdin: AladdinJasmineGenieJafar
Hercules: HerculesMegaraHades
Mulan: Fa MulanLi Shang
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack SparrowElizabeth SwannWill TurnerCaptain Hector BarbossaTia DalmaDavy Jones
Toy Story: WoodyBuzz LightyearBo PeepJessie
Monsters, Inc.: James P. SullivanMike WazowskiCelia MaeRandall Boggs
Lilo & Stitch: StitchLilo PelekaiJumba JookibaCaptain GantuAngel
Frozen: AnnaElsaHansKristoffOlaf
Wreck-It Ralph: Wreck-It RalphVanellope von SchweetzFix-It Felix Jr.Sergeant CalhounKing Candy
The Muppets: Kermit the FrogMiss Piggy
Inside Out: JoySadnessAngerFearDisgustAnxietyEnnui
101 Dalmatians: Cruella De Vil
Sleeping Beauty: Maleficent
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack SkellingtonSallyDr. FinkelsteinOogie Boogie
Tangled: Rapunzel
The Incredibles: Mr. IncredibleMrs. IncredibleVioletDashFrozone
Moana: MauiMoana

The Bare NecessitiesBeauty and the BeastBundle of JoyGastonThe Glory DaysThe IncreditsThe Gospel TruthHawaiian Roller Coaster RideHe Mele No LiloI'll Make a Man Out of YouIf I Didn't Have YouMickey Mouse MarchMinnie's Yoo HooOne Jump AheadPart of Your WorldSteamboat BillThis is HalloweenTrust in MeA Whole New WorldYo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)You've Got a Friend in MeDo You Want to Build a Snowman?Let It GoUnder the SeaWhat’s ThisWhen Can I See You Again?Zero to Hero