Zombies: The Re-Animated Series is the soundtrack for the Disney Channel animated series of the same name, featuing original songs performed by the Zombies cast. It became available on Amazon and Apple Music stores on June 28, 2024
- "My Year" (The Re-Animated Remix) (2:27)
- "Repeat" (1:26)
- "It's Free Period" (1:29)
- "When Worlds Collide" (1:38)
- "Be an Alpha" (1:54)
- "We're Bringin' It" (1:10)
- "Meant to Combine" (1:52)
- "Be Like Me" (1:48)
- "It's Okay" (1:41)
- "Back 2 Back" (1:54)
- "Work of Art" (1:29)
- "Work in Progress" (1:58)
- "Brighter With You" (3:09)