Zuni, Maya, and Lomo are characters, who appear in the Disney Channel animated series Elena of Avalor. They are a trio of Flaringos and natives of Vallestrella.
Elena of Avalor[]
Zuni, Maya, and Lomo make their debut in "The Race for the Realm".
The three of them first appear when Skylar leads Luna, Princess Elena, and Naomi Turner to them. When Elena explains why she's there, the three of them note her bad mood and offers to lead them to the place where they can find the Sun in the Moon. They do so by taking them on the scenic route. When they reveal to Elena, she becomes even more agitated. The three Flaringos tell her if she keeps letting the darkness of her past enter her head, she can mess up her future. When Elena gets the Mount of the Scepter of Night, Elena thanks them. Afterwards, Shuriki and Fiero show up and they reveal to the two salvages that happened and where Elena's going.
Adventures in Vallestrella[]
The Flaringos only appearance in the Adventures in Vallestrella shorts is in the short "Human Nature".