
You have more power than you realize. Don't think, and don't worry. If the time comes, you'll know what to do. It's in your blood.
~ 荷莉对小倩说

巴小倩(Violet Parr)是迪士尼/皮克斯动画电影《超人总动员》和其续集超人总动员2的主要角色,她是鲍柏巴荷莉的大女儿也是巴小飞巴小杰的姐姐。作为超级英雄的小孩也具有超能力,可以让自身部分或完全隐形,也可以在身体周围或附近制作一个防护罩。


在电影中,她和小飞结合他们的超能力创造了绝招IncrediBall(在游戏中命名)。也就是小倩在自己周围产生一个球状防护罩,让小飞在防护罩中利用超音速推动,令其有着如加农炮]]或冲车一样的威力。她的害羞和缺乏自信构成了电影中的一个重要故事,她受到荷莉的鼓励, 她拥有的力量比她意识到的多,她只需要相信它。在电影尾段,当她的暗恋对象雷汤尼提出约会时小倩摆脱了害羞并以自信的一面结束。



When she is first introduced, Violet is depicted as gloomy, uncertain, shy, socially withdrawn, and has a few self-esteem issues - preferring to hide behind her long hair, which is seemed to be reflected in her super powers; she is able to turn invisible at will, and can generate a spherical force field around herself and others. She has a crush on one of her classmates, Tony Rydinger, but she is too shy to approach him and turns herself invisible whenever he looks her way so as to avoid attention.

At home, things are tense, especially between her and her younger brother Dash. Because of Bob being in his "not-allowed-to-Super" rut for the past few years, the family has moved around quite a few times. Also, Violet's mother Helen has told the kids to never use their powers (unless they are in danger) because the world isn't ready to accept them yet. Because of these factors (along with Violet being at puberty age), she has become rather shy and has few friends. And with Dash dealing with the family issues by constantly teasing her, Violet also has somewhat of a temper on her.


Violet's personality is literally that of a "shrinking violet". She stutters and is generally shy and withdrawing, down to her understated taste in clothing and shadowy hair style. Under extreme stress or uncertainty, her invisibility powers can even trigger subconsciously, causing her head and body to simply disappear.

As the oldest child, Violet often finds herself placed under stress and authority she doesn't want. But she has a curious and experimental nature to her, willing to explore her abilities and her world once she is freed from the family prohibitions about using her superpowers. She also has a sharp and observational sense of humor, and despite a strong sibling rivalry, she is strongly protective of her little brother Dash.


Violet is beautiful with a very slender build with a small waistline. She has a long structure despite being slightly short for a 14-year-old. She is 160 cm (5'3") tall, and weighs 40 kg (90 lbs). She has long straight blue-black hair (usually covers her face), violet eyes, and a circular head. She wears an orange headband. Near the end of the movie and starting with the sequel, she wears a pink headband (and is later shown to have hairbands of different colors, such as black and blue).


  • 隐形: Violet has the ability to turn herself invisible. The exact nature of this power is not explained, nor are its limits (such as if it extends beyond the visible light spectrum). Violet's ability is limited in scope, however, and extends only to her own body. Anything she is carrying or wearing does not also become invisible, with the exception of her Incredibles uniform created by designer 衣夫人 to coordinate with her powers.
  • 防护罩: Violet can generate a near-indestructible, purple-tinged force field around herself or other targets, which she has used defensively or, with the right help, offensively. The field does seem to deflect things like bullets, this is proven when the family battles against Syndrome's soldiers. In the sequel, Violet has learned how to use her force-fields for offensive attacks and not just in self-defense.
    • Levitation: If Violet is not touching the ground when she creates a full force field bubble, she will levitate within it. Whilst levitating, she automatically moves with her force field bubbles. She can reorient her position within it, or even use her own body to propel it forward. This feature is what gives her force field its primary offensive ability, especially when it's combined with Dash's power to create the IncrediBall.
  • 智慧: While not a superhuman trait, Violet's intellect is certainly the highest of her family, showing an inquisitive and adaptable nature about herself, her powers, and the world around her. One notable example of this is when her family, trapped by Syndrome, was seemingly helpless against his electrical gauntlets, but Violet was able to determine how to use her force fields to bypass the electrical fields and escape with relative ease.
  • Athleticism: Although it was not exactly seen in the movie, in Disney INFINITY, Violet was seen to be very acrobatic and maneuverable, despite her skinny frame. It is unknown if this will be shown in the planned 2018 sequel.


  • Blunt Force: While exceedingly sturdy, if very heavy blunt force is applied to Violet's force field, it can be crushed and she can be hurt badly. The bubble can, to an extent, be moved around her, as shown in the film when the Omnidroid drops down on her shield, causing it to drop around her and crack her on the head, rendering her unconscious.
  • 畜能: Both her powers can also sap her physical energy if she tries to maintain them under sustained heavy assault (as seen in A Magic Kingdom Adventure).
  • 衣服: Violet cannot turn her clothes invisible like herself, so she is forced to wear a supersuit that will turn invisible when she does. This limits the usefulness of her invisibility to a great extent unless she wants to run in her suit all the time.



When she is first introduced, Violet is depicted as gloomy, uncertain, shy, socially withdrawn, and has a few self-esteem issues - preferring to hide behind her long hair, which is seemed to be reflected in her super powers; she is able to turn invisible at will, and can generate a spherical force field around herself and others. She has a crush on one of her classmates,雷汤尼, but she is too shy to approach him and turns herself invisible whenever he looks her way so as to avoid attention.


Violet expresses her wish to be normal.

At home, things are tense, especially between her and her younger brother Dash. Because of Bob being in his "not-allowed-to-Super" rut for the past few years, the family has moved around quite a few times. Also, Violet's mother Helen has told the kids to never use their powers (unless they are in danger) because the world is not ready to accept them yet. Because of these factors (along with Violet being at puberty age), she has become rather shy and has few friends. And with Dash dealing with the family issues by constantly teasing her, Violet also has somewhat of a temper on her.

When Bob goes away on a "business trip", things start to greatly improve at the Parr household, with Bob being a better father to his kids (shown by hanging out with Dash, taking care of Jack-Jack, and kissing Violet on the nose).

After two months of the new Bob, Violet and Dash discover Helen getting ready to go out for the night while packing what appear to be Super suits. After the two of them discover the extraordinary properties of the supersuits designed for them by 衣夫人 (in Violet's case, her suit can turn invisible along with her, rendering her totally unseen, without disrupting her force fields; the force field part is discussed in A Magic Kingdom Adventure), they stow away on their mother's jet (after calling on her friend 麦凯莉 to watch Jack-Jack for the night) when she leaves to find their father, who has been doing secret hero work behind his family's back. Shortly after they are discovered by Helen, the plane is attacked by 超劲先生's missiles, and Helen orders Violet to put a force field around them for protection. However, Violet is not sure she can even generate such a large force field; the stress of the situation and her low confidence prevent her from successfully carrying out the order. Helen is forced to use her powers to turn herself into a ball around her children, shielding them just as the missiles destroy the plane. When Violet later apologizes to her mother for failing to live up to expectations, Helen apologizes for putting her under such pressure and reassures her by saying that she has more power than she herself realizes, but also explains that in their situation, doubt is a luxury they can no longer afford.


Violet practicing her powers on the campfire.

Her confidence bolstered, Violet practices her power on the fire in the camp, but she and Dash are nearly burnt to a crisp when Syndrome launches a rocket carrying a highly capable battle robot, the Omnidroid v.10, to the City of Metroville; the cave that the two were in is also the exhaust tube for the rocket.

After some time, Syndrome's henchmen discover the children after their curiosity triggers an alarm—subsequently pursuing them across his island base. She attacks one of the men with a large stick, while invisible. Displaying a high level of ingenuity, the aforementioned grunt uses dirt to find Violet once she has submerged herself in a shallow pond.He aims the gun at her, preparing to shoot her, but Dash stops the soldier from killing Violet, who in return saves him from yet another henchman. After dispatching security, she and Dash combine their powers to create the IncrediBall (named in the 电子游戏): Violet generates a force-field and Dash runs along its inner surface, propelling the sphere at considerable speeds and mowing down everything in their path.


Violet battles beside her family.

After Violet and Dash are reunited with their parents, both of whom are briefly flattened by the IncrediBall, another wave of henchmen find and attack them. Violet once again displays her increasing confidence, raising a large shield which protects her family from a hail of automatic weapons fire. Though the guards are quickly overpowered, Syndrome captures the entire family. Once imprisoned, it is Violet who manages to free everyone by creating a force field that severs her magnetic bonds. She manages to roll towards a nearby computer terminal where she easily deactivates everyone's restraints.

The family eventually races back to the town with help from Mirage who turned against Syndrome and helped them. When her parents sharing some moments together, Violet realizes that the Omnidroid's claw is pointing at their van and crushes it, but Violet and Dash managed to run at the time. When they're running, the robot's claw nearly hits them, separating Violet and Dash from their parents. The Omnidroid attacks again, but this time Violet defends herself and Dash with her shield. The Omnidroid goes mad and punches Violet's shield several times until it drops its body entirely to Violet's shield, crushing it and hits her straight on her head, knocking her unconscious. She managed to recuperate very quickly although she has been hit by the thing's gigantic metallic body. After Helen trip-wires the robot, Violet acquires the remote used by Syndrome to control it. She and Dash childishly fight over the remote until Elastigirl takes it. After a drawn-out fight, the family waits as the Omnidroid approaches. Violet refuses Helen's order to hide and remains by her side when Bob finally pierces the Omnidroid's shell.

Finally, after stopping Syndrome from abducting Jack-Jack, (where Violet also saves her family by creating a force field to deflect the falling plane wreckage), the evildoer is apparently dispatched by his own cape, which is caught in a turbine jet engine.


Tony invites Violet to the movies.

Three months later, Violet is seen wearing a pink shirt and khaki pants, along with a pink headband to keep her hair out of her face, which displays her attractiveness. With her recent change in personality, Violet has made more friends and is courageous enough to talk to Tony (he approaches her and attempts to ask her out, but HE is now the shy one rather than Violet), and they plan to go to the movies on Friday; Violet tells Tony that she will buy the popcorn if he will buy the tickets.

Violet is then shown to be ready to battle a new villain, 采矿大师, when he arrives to threaten the town, thereby setting up the story of the sequel.


Violet returns in the highly anticipated 2018 sequel, with Sarah Vowell reprising her role.[1]In the sequel, Violet has fully embraced her powers and wants to fight crime alongside her family.

Printed Media[]

In the comic series (which many fans do not consider canon), Violet has reverted to her shy nature, as she is seen wearing dark clothes and having her hair in her face.

When new neighbors move in at the start of the first book, Violet meets and becomes close with the older child of the family, a boy named Xander (Tony, her crush from the movie, is not mentioned at all in the comic series). Dash and Xander's brother Bart later watch the two of them kiss through binoculars. However, when his mother is revealed to have been one of Helen's old rogues, a chemist named Organa, a great battle ensues in the Parr home that is resolved when Dash uses a De-Evolution bomb of the supervillain Futur10n and turns Organa into a monkey. Unable to let his wife go to jail, Jim Carson agrees to move his family to the outskirts of town (in the mountains) and Violet and Xander have to keep in touch through online communication.

Violet becomes a target of the villain Mezmerella and is used as a hypnotized pawn in her scheme to destroy Metroville with a psychic shockwave. When the plan fails via Dash's actions, the villain pushes Violet off the skyscraper and Dash is trapped in an illusionary world before eventually escaping to save Violet and defeat Mezmerella.

In a later story, Helen has gone out of town on a secret mission, telling Bob and the kids she's going to see her parents. Bob decides to use this time to put Dash through some advanced training that they both know Helen would never allow. To keep this thoroughly secret, he has Violet get a small job filing at Doc Sunbright's lab (however, this is revealed to be just busy work to keep her distracted while Bob and Lucius train Dash, so that Violet does not tell Helen). However, Violet (believing it to be real) does not want to work and says she has a life she wants to live. Bob (more-than-likely right on the spot) tells her she needs to "prove" that she is responsible, and (unintentionally) acts very cold to her and leaves, leaving Violet depressed (and definitely NOT fixing the already thin-line relationship they already have due to his years of ignoring the family). But Violet gets her revenge by stealing from Doc's lab, taunting Bob about the fact that the thief (her) is right in front of him without him realizing it.

Violet uses one of the devices she stole, a teleporter, to contact Xander again. He swipes his mother's old gear to try and become a tech hero. While out on a patrol/date, the two encounter a revived Tronosaurus Rex, but the two are in over their heads and eventually Bob and Dash have to defeat the robotic titan, though Bob doesn't see that Xander was involved in the fight, and Dash, after seeing Violet almost cry, agrees to keep his sister's secret.

In the (currently) last story arch, Violet is first seen at the mall with Helen (she was possibly able to convince her mom to let her quit her "job") looking at dresses. Helen, knowing Violet's gloomy, tomboyish nature, knows that she wants the dress because she is crushing on a boy, and she reveals she knows it is Xander (Violet had accidentally doodled Xander's name with some hearts on the back of a page of homework she asked Helen to look over). Helen promises to wait until the time is right to tell Bob, and lets Violet buy the dress.

When the Unforgivables ultimate plan finally goes into motion, Violet and Helen are captured by a group of plant vines and taken into the Underminer's giant robot, a modified Omnidroid-based mechanoid designed to look like it belonged to the Incredibles themselves and in conjunction with Mezmerella's hypnotic broadcast, turn Metroville against the Supers. Though the robot is destroyed by the supers, the plan has already worked and the heroes are forced out of town. However, in the very last panel of the last comic, Xander is seen spying on the Unforgivables, the look on his face hinting at a plan.

While having a few side stories, none of the five-story arches revolve around Violet specifically. Because of this, if Boom ever concludes the series, it is possible they might make Violet the main hero of the conclusion, the final battle with the Unforgivables being conflicted by her relationship with her parents, her brother, and her boyfriend.

Kingdom Keepers[]

Assists the Keepers during the final battle in The Insider, teaming up with Finn constantly as her invisibility powers proved useful for scouting and sneak attacks. She assisted with defeating Ursula and recovering the final piece of Mickey's picture. Also she translates for Mickey to the Keepers. Until Mickey Mouse does speak in the Return series.


The Incredibles video game[]

In the video game based on the film, Violet is only playable in one level, "Violet's Crossing", where she is to sneak pass 超劲先生's guards without getting spotted. Her only ability in this level is invisibility, and like Dash, she has the weakest health level compared to Mr. and Mrs. Incredible. In the next level, "Incredi-Ball", she is playable alongside Dash. Like in the film, Violet generates a force-field around both herself and her brother, and Dash moves the force sphere by running along its inside surface, propelling it at considerable speeds and mowing down every enemy in their path. In this gameplay, both Violet and Dash have an equal health level compared to Mr. and Mrs. Incredible.


Disney INFINITY - Violet

Violet Parr is a playable character in Disney Infinity who can be purchased separately or in a "Girl Power" three-pack (alongside Rapunzel and Vanellope von Schweetz). She can use her invisibility powers and create a shield for protection, she also works well with other characters from The Incredibles and she will increase the Shooter of her family. Violet is a shooter type in the 3DS version. By level 4 you gain a medal for leveling her up to level 4 and by level 10.

Kinect Rush: A Disney/Pixar Adventure[]

Violet appears in the first level of the The Incredibles stages, "Jungle Rumble", where she assists the player in rescuing 幻影 from the Omnidroid v.10.




  • It is possible that Violet's powers were based on Marvel Comics' Invisible Woman, a member of the Fantastic Four who could create force-fields and turn invisible.
  • Violet may be named after the term "shrinking violet": a person who does not wish to be noticed. She is very shy, and, even at home, stays in the background and does not speak too much. This would fit both her personality and powers. And interestingly, Shrinking Violet is the name of a DC Comics superheroine whose super power was to literally shrink.
  • Violet writes in cursive, as shown in a diary entry.
  • Violet's hair evolves over the course of the film to match her personality and personal growth; first totally obscuring her face at the beginning to match her retreating nature, and then being held partially back by the hairband of her Incredible suit, and finally being swept back completely by a colorful hair band in the final sequence, revealing her new self to the world.
  • Violet is, arguably, the most powerful figure in Disney INFINITY.
  • In a deleted scene (the original opening), Violet was to first appear as an infant who had problems with spitting up. It was originally implied that her existence violated the law, as 异能者 were forbidden to marry each other and have children.
  • Violet (and possibly her mom Helen) was originally going to appear in the cancelled Princess Academy shorts (due to a piece of concept art showing her with other characters), had this not occurred, it would have marked the first time Violet and her mom would have appeared in 2D format (not counting that The Incredibles was originally envisioned as a 2D film).


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