
超人特攻隊2》(英文:Incredibles 2)是一部於2018年上映的美國3D電腦動畫超級英雄電影,為2004年電影《超人特攻隊》的續集。該片由皮克斯動畫工作室製作,並將由華特迪士尼工作室電影發行。該片由布萊德·博德回歸編劇及執導。



請注意以下有劇情透露 Minutes after where the first film left off on, the Parr family confronts The Underminer as he makes his way towards City Hall while also grounding buildings and robbing the city bank. While the villain managed to get away, the Incredibles manage to stop the drill just on time with the help of Frozone. But they are then arrested for intervening in such an incident and for destruction of property. Rick Dicker of the "Super Relocation" program tells the couple that he is being shut down due to this event and that the Parrs will be left on their own but wishes them luck.

Lucius meets up with Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl to inform them that they are being contracted by Winston Deavor of DevTech. When they arrive to meet him, they are greeted by Winston and his sister Evelyn Deavor Winston proposes a plan to help give back the superheroes public support by setting up missions and publicity stunts to better their reputation. He enlists Elastigirl due to being the least destructive out of the three to which she agrees. Winston offers the Parrs a new home as a sign of appreciation and giving Elastigirl a new suit and new Elasticycle, leaving Mr. Incredible and the kids; Jack-Jack, Violet, and Dash, on her first mission.

Flying out to New Urbrem, Elastigirl stops a newly built monorail train from crashing after it unexpectedly goes backwards at high speeds. She discovers that the train driver was under the influence of the Screenslaver, a villain who hypnotizes people through any monitor he hacks into. During an interview she encounters the villain again by exposing his plans to kill the Ambassador by hijacking the escort helicopter she's on but Elastigirl quickly comes to her rescue.

Elastigirl's recent actions have caused a movement of superheroes stepping out into the public, wanting to help out others like they did in the past. These include the likes of Voyd, He-Lectrix, Reflux, Screech, Krushauer and Brick. She manages to figure out the Screenslaver's location by pinpointing the signal where he broadcasts from another TV interview. Elastigirl arrives at the scene with the Screenslaver attempting to escape but manages to capture the villain, although the suspect claims to only sell pizzas.

Meanwhile, Bob struggles to take care of the kids. Violet becomes very distraught when her crush Tony Rydinger does not remember her as Dicker wiped out his memories after he found out she was a superhero. Dash struggles with regular school work which leaves Bob frustrated as well. And after fighting a raccoon Jack-Jack's multitude of powers start to show even more with Bob not able to figure out how they work. But he eventually manages his job as a parent, going the extra mile to help his two eldest kids and by having Edna Mode babysit Jack-Jack, who ends up giving Bob a way to control the baby's powers.



配音 角色
美國 台灣 香港 大陸
荷莉·杭特 徐熙媛 楊千嬅 巴荷莉 / 彈力女超人(Helen Parr / Elastigirl)
克雷格·T·尼爾森 王偉忠 丁子高 巴鮑伯 / 超能先生(Bob Parr / Mr. Incredible)
莎拉·沃維爾 林芳雪 巴小倩(Violet Parr)
哈克·米爾納 白癡公主 巴小飛
山繆·傑克森 陳建州 魯修斯 / 酷冰俠(Lucius Best / Frozone)
布萊德·博德 蔡康永 衣夫人(Edna Mode)
鮑勃·奧登科克 戴文森(Winston Deavor)
凱薩琳·凱娜 艾芙琳(Evelyn Deavor)
強納森·班克斯 康殿宏 狄瑞克(Rick Dicker)
Paul Eiding 逆流(Gus Burns/Reflux)
Phil LaMarr Krushauer, He-Lectrix
比爾·懷斯 披薩小弟/銀幕魔人(Pizza Boy/Screenslaver)
Adam Gates 查德(Chad_Brentley)
蘇菲亞·布希 空洞(Voyd)
伊莎貝拉·羅塞里尼 大使(Ambassador)
約翰·雷森伯格 康殿宏 採礦大師(The Underminer)
拉坦婭·理查德森 漢妮(Honey Best)
Barry Bostwick 市長
Michael B. Johnson Victor Cachet











  1. Bird on Toy Story 3 and Incredibles 2 !. Comingsoon.net. 2007-06-22 [2007-06-22]. 
  2. Kain, Erik. Finally Pixar is Considering an 'Incredibles' Sequel. Forbes. 2011-10-29 [2017-07-11]. 
  3. Brad Bird on 'Incredibles' Sequel: 'I Would Probably Wanna Do That' (Q&A). The Hollywood Reporter. 2013-05-16 [2013-05-16]. 
  4. McClintock, Pamela. 'The Incredibles 2' Moves Up to Summer 2018; 'Toy Story 4' Pushed to 2019. The Hollywood Reporter. 2016-10-26. 
  5. Incredibles 2 (2018). Fandango [2018-06-11]. 
  6. Incredibles 2 Reviews. CBS Interactive [2018-06-11]. 
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