銀幕魔人(Screenslaver)是電影超人特攻隊2中的反派角色。He is a mysterious supervillain who uses hypnotism to manipulate people from a distance. He dresses in black and wears a mask with huge glowing goggles.
In truth, he is a pizza boy that 艾芙琳 placed under her control to serve as a decoy villain, with the goggles he wears to serve as the face of her plan to get rid of 異能者 and to unwillingly place other people in a hypnotic trance on her behalf so no suspicion would be placed on her.
His name is a play on the words "screensaver" and "slave".
Screenslaver/Evelyn Deavor's gimmick of using hypnotic goggles to control people was previously employed in The Incredibles comic book series by the villain Mezmerella.
Essentially, Evelyn is the authentic Screenslaver, being the mastermind behind the scheme, although Evelyn admits she is and isn't Screenslaver since the two are separate though she uses someone else to don the costume for her.