
逆流(Reflux、真名為 Gus Burns)是皮克斯電影超人特攻隊2中的角色,為一異能者,具為胃酸逆流吐出酸液的能力。

背景[ | ]

Reflux is a senior who has the unsettling super power of heaving hot lava, which helps him break into some of the most secure locales. As an old man, he gets tired easily and has motion sickness problems, which can be fatal for someone who can barf hot lava. When Relflux is on the offensive, he is the most offensive hero around.

發展[ | ]

Making Reflux appealing was a huge challenge until artists turned to frogs for inspiration. According to art director Matt Notle, the idea of a frog made the character appealing and funny, even though his super power seems repulsive at first.[2]

登場[ | ]

超人特攻隊2[ | ]

Reflux was brought in to 戴文森's superhero recruitment program with other Supers where he meets the veteran superhero 彈力女超人. When he talks with her, Reflux makes a joke about the repugnant nature of his superpower. However, Reflux becomes a victim of 艾芙琳's mind control when Hypno-goggles were placed over his eyes, and he was ordered along with the other mind-controlled supers to capture 酷冰俠 and the younger members of the Parr family, although they only succeed in capturing Frozone.

Still under Evelyn's control, Reflux attends the superhero conference onboard Winston's cruise ship as Evelyn's security force. After some of the heroes are freed from the Hypno-goggles, Reflux uses his powers in the battle against the Incredibles, at one point significantly hindering 小倩's force field with his corrosive regurgitation, before he meets his match against Frozone. Their elemental powers initially clash until Frozone overpowers Reflux into submission and have the Hypno-goggles removed, freeing Reflux from the mind control. Reflux then helps get the rest of the guests to safety. After the crisis is averted, Reflux is last seen celebrating the Supers' return to the public.

樂高超人特攻隊[ | ]

In the Lego game, Reflux helps Elastigirl with her hunt and battle with the puppet 銀幕魔人.

軼事[ | ]

  • Although this character heaves hot lava, his name was originally "GERD" because that is the technical term for acid reflux. His name was later changed to Reflux since GERD was a little too "on the nose".[4]

圖片庫[ | ]

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